Monday, 22 June 2020

Forgetting Things

It was Father's Day yesterday and I forgot to send my fathers a card. I am lucky, I have three - the original, my step-dad and a father-in-law. I forgot every single one.

I knew it was Father's Day. I remembered to get my husband appropriate cards and gifts from our children and I'm pretty sure I offered to make a cup of tea (even if I didn't actually make any, that's his job). 

In my head, everything was sorted and it wasn't until I was cleaning the bathroom yesterday that I realised with shock horror that I hadn't sent anybody a card. In order for cards to arrive, I have to actually buy them - write them - post them. And for some unknown reason, I missed that entire stage.

I think it has a lot to do with my lockdown mentality. I am a stay-at-home mum and a natural indoorsy person although I love nature. I know, I'm a complicate conundrum. Anyway, being at home all the time, for me, isn't that big a change. What was really different was popping to the shops, dropping cards in at the post office after the school run, nipping into town to pick up some socks for the kids etc - all those incidentals that you don't really think about, I couldn't do them anymore.

And so I moved what I could online but a lot of things just fell to the wayside because either I couldn't get food shopping delivery OR I was refusing to pay the ridiculous price wanted for things. I usually get my kids clothes from Primark because they grow like weeds and they ruin things so quickly - why would I pay an arm and a leg for that?

Posting cards is one of the things that fell away. I relied instead on direct delivery packages from Amazon and video messages from my suitably primed children who can, on occasion, be super cute. But this Father's Day? Not a sausage.

It was with cap in hand that I messaged, rang and asked hubby to apologise to the various father figures. It won't happen next year, I promise! 

Unless we're under lockdown again...

Claire Buss is a multi-genre author and poet, completely addicted to cake. Find out more about her books at her website Join the discussion in her Facebook group Buss's Book Stop.


  1. Oh dear! Nevermind I'm sure they'll understand. There's always forgiveness.
