This week I am delighted to be having a slice of cake with Derek Borne.
Derek is a Canadian author of Sci-Fi novels. When he's not writing, he spends time with his lovely wife and moody bearded dragon Ziggy (She's always looking at Derek like he's an idiot). Other times, he's eating pizza, belting out Broadway show tunes, playing guitar, eating pizza, watching anything to do with Marvel superheroes, and making movie references daily. Oh, and eating pizza. And for added emphasis...... pizza.
What kind of stories do you write?
I write books with superheroes and science fiction! So far there are 8 books within my superhero/spy series, The Ultimate Agent, and I’m working on other sci-fi ideas as well that will hopefully be coming out in 2020!
Can you describe your writing why?
To be completely honest, when I was younger, I loved writing for the pure joy of it. Now that I have published work, the wanting to make more $$$ with them has crept in here and there. At the end of the day, I get back into the groove of just writing for the sake of writing. If people enjoy what I put out into the book-world, that’s what makes it all worth it.
Share with us your favourite passage from the book you enjoyed writing the most
You’re going to make me choose?? Fine…
Excerpt: Chapter 1 of The Ultimate Agent
“Thanks, I’m Devon, by the way. What’s your name?”
“Um, it’s Brett,” the blond man said as they shook hands. His cool blue eyes, coupled with his smile, conveyed a sense of wonder and adventure. Close to the same height as Devon, he had a bit more of a slender physique.
“Nice to meet you, Brett. What brings you to Washington?” Devon’s social side took over.
Brett hugged the duffle bag closer to his body. “Just one of the places on my bucket list. Yourself?”
“Pretty much the same. I just love to travel. I’m thinking maybe Italy next, or wherever the winds take me.”
“Ah, yes. I’m, uh… I’m kinda going by the same philosophy.” Brett cocked his eyebrow for a split-second. Glancing to the left, he caught sight of eight men casually approaching the opposite end of the bridge, all dressed in suits.
“We’ve got him spotted,” one of the men said into his watch with a discreet scratch of his sideburn. His earpiece blended in with his ear, barely visible to the public eye.
“Don’t make a scene,” the man on the other end cautioned. “I’m counting on you.”
“We’ll get him, don’t worry.”
The suited man led his group onto the Arlington Bridge. Their pace quickened as they headed toward the target.
Brett was their mission.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea,” Brett suggested with a gentle grasp of Devon’s arm. “Wanna spend the day together? We could be each other’s photographer.”
“Um, maybe?” Hesitant, Devon noticed the guy he’d just met seemed spooked. When he glanced in the direction Brett had, Devon saw the suspicious group of suits. That doesn’t seem good. His eyes bounced back to the man standing before him. Who is this guy?
“Great! I even know of an authentic Chinese restaurant for lunch. That is if you haven’t eaten,” Brett proposed with a charming grin. “I guarantee you dumplings that will change your life. What do you say?”
Devon had no idea of how to respond. But something about the man intrigued him. Is he being genuine, or is he in trouble and needs help? In the matter of seconds, he said, “Sure, I gue...”
“Fantastic!” Brett flashed his winning smile once more. As he led his new friend away from the bridge, his duffle bag bounced off his side.
In a somewhat hurried stroll with Brett, Devon had no idea where his newfound friend was taking him or why he’d even asked him to tag along. He wondered if he might be able to get some sort of answer. “Everything all right?”
“Fine.” Brett sounded rushed, almost agitated. “I’m fine. Keep up, bud.”
“Um, okay….”
Brett’s brisk walk progressed into an even faster pace. He turned his head, catching sight of the men in suits still following behind them.
Stalking them.
Brett guided Devon by the arm over to a parked double-decker tour bus.
“He’s behind the bus!” The man directing the group broke into a run as their target boarded the bus. The tourist vehicle merged onto the main street.
“We’ve lost him, sir,” the leader reported to his superior, slowing to a stop to catch his breath. “He boarded a bus with a civilian I’m guessing he’s befriended.” He cleared his throat, followed by a deep breath. “Haven’t ID’d the civilian. I’ll get Agent Phipps to pull up the tour schedule.”
“Follow them.”
The suited man tugged on the cuff of his shirt, starting to doubt if their mission would be successful. “Bring the cars up, boys. Let’s get ‘em.”
Tell us about your latest project
Depending on when this interview is posted, I am releasing/have released an anthology of 6 of my short stories where my superhero-spies encounter monsters, myths, and legends with a scientific angle. It’s called “The Helios Files”, and takes place between Books 1 & 2 of The Ultimate Agent series. I’m excited for people to see what I’ve done with Bigfoot, the Mothman, the Loch Ness Monster, the Michigan Dogman, a Kraken, and a Minotaur!
What is your favourite cake?
Cake’s aren’t really my thing. I’m more of a pie guy, so I’d have to say a pizza pie 😉 But if we’re going with the sweeter kind, I’m going with a lemon meringue pie!
Thanks Derek, lemon meringue is an excellent choice of pie. You can connect with Derek all over the place!
Join me next week when I interview Amelia Hendrey.
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Claire Buss is a multi-genre author and poet, completely addicted to cake. Find out more about her books on her website Join the discussion in her Facebook group
Buss's Book Stop.