Sitting down to write is such an agonising process.
I am not one of those people who can just sit down and write. I am also not a planner. So when I sit down to write it's always empty page syndrome. Most of the time I am able to pick up the thread from the day before and carry on but when the day before was three days ago, I struggle.
I admire those writers who can force themselves to sit down and type no matter what.
I am only slightly jealous of those writers who can write at any time of day, who don't have any other demands to deal with. An entire day in front of them with no distractions. Imagine the possibilities.
Not being able to write fills me with such guilt and that in itself is a huge block to creativity.
It adds fuel to the self-doubt fire that I'm not good enough. I'll never earn a living selling books. No-one cares about what I'm doing. I can't write good.
That's when I know I've hit word bottom. For me, it means taking a break. Which doesn't help the guilt machine but it is what it is. I've learnt that I'm a fits and starts writer and I guess I just have to accept that.
So what exactly is my writing advice? Find what works for you and don't worry if it's not what 'they' say you should be doing. Forcing yourself to conform to whatever the expected norm is never works and will just make you miserable. Sadly that doesn't stop you from feeling rubbish when others seem to be getting stuff done and you seem to be going nowhere BUT your journey is yours and yours alone. It may go straight from A to B, it may meander a lot, it may get a flat tyre or be diverted. I think you get the metaphor.
At the end of the day if you're doing one thing towards your creative project every day then progress is being made. Just one thing a day soon adds up and when you take a moment to pause and look how far you've come, you'll be impressed.
Claire Buss is a multi-genre author and poet, completely addicted to cake. Find out more about her books on her website Join the discussion in her Facebook group Buss's Book Stop.
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