Wednesday 28 July 2021

A Slice of Cake With... Georgiana-Laura Gheorgh

This week I am delighted to have a slice of cake with author Georgiana-Laura Gheorghe.

Georgina-Laura has a Bachelor’s Degree in the English Language and Literature – French Language and Literature – Philology at “Spiru Haret” University in Bucharest, Faculty of Letters – Bucharest (Romania) and a Master’s Degree in Translation and Interpretation at “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi (Romania). 

She received the “Medallion de Excellence” for participating in the Paradisiacal Renaissance, “Medallion de Appreciation” for participating in the World Poetry Day Contest and “Global Excellence Certificate” for participating in the International Women's Day and Mother's Day Contest organized by the International Cultural Forum for Humanity and Creativity.

Georgina-Laura has published poetry in various national and international literary magazines. She launched her first bilingual poetry book What is life? in September 2019 and the second edition of the mentioned book under the name of Cufărul vieții (The Chest of Life) in March 2021.

What kind of books do you write?

My books are mostly poetic for now. Honesty is a major ingredient in my case because it’s important to be sincere to the readers. Uniqueness is another since I prefer to have my own writing style than wasting my time copying others. 

My bilingual book “Ce este viața?” offers the answer to one of the most important questions that everyone asks from time to time. It is also meant to teach the readers about the pillars of life that are the following: love, family, faith, the love for the native land and the arts. 

I also write short stories that take the readers into enchanted lands. 

Can you describe your writing why?

Writing is passion. It’s a way to express myself, translate the language of my soul and let my imagination run wild. 

Share with us your favourite passage from the book you enjoyed writing the most

One of the poems that I enjoyed writing the most is Folklore 2 because not only that I had to do a detailed research about the Romanian Folklore, but I managed to share it with both the Romanian and foreign readers too. My country isn’t about gypsies and Dracula. It’s about ancient customs and traditions, folklore and culture. Here’s the Romanian and English version of the mentioned poem:

Folclor 2

Bunicul a deschis porțile
Tărâmului de poveste mult visat. 
Făt-Frumos mi-a venit în întâmpinare
Și m-a ajutat să încalec pe Calul Năzdrăvan. 
S-a oferit să-mi facă turul acestui tărâm fermecat. 
În stânga și-n drepta se auzea 
Susurul Apei Vii și Apei Moarte,
Prâslea cel Voinic mi-a arătat merele de aur,
Ileana Cosânzeana m-a prezentat zânelor din codru,
Greuceanu mi-a arătat Soarele și Luna,
Baba Novac mi-a dat lecții de eroism,
Păcală m-a învățat cum să fac glume, 
Moșul și Baba Dochia mi-au dat sfaturi înțelepte.
Am făcut un popas la Sfânta Miercuri,
Iar Sfânta Duminică de pericole ne-a avertizat. 
Baubau a încercat să ne sperie,
Stafiile să ne posede,
Căpcăunii să ne atace,
Dar Zmeul m-a răpit. 
Eroii de-ndată au pornit în a mea căutare,
Cu prietenii de nădejde obstacolele au trecut,
Iar cu vitejie pe uriaș și pe Zmeu i-au învins.
La ospăț ne-am simțit bine,
Apoi am valsat pe nori pufoși
Și am dansat hora pe pajiștea înmiresmată. 
Acasă a trebuit să mă întorc
Și cu ochii înlăcrimați mi-am luat rămas bun 
De la prietenii mei de poveste. 
În lumea reală i-am împărtășit
Bunicului și celor care au vrut să 
Mă asculte, aventurile
De pe minunatul tărâm
Al Foclorului Românesc.  

Copyright Georgiana L. Gheorghe
Toate Drepturile Rezervate. 

Folklore 2

Grandfather opened the gates
To the enchanted realm which I’ve dreamt  
Since I was little. 
Prince Charming greeted me
And helped me mount on the Marvellous Horse. 
He offered to give me a tour of this magical realm.
On the left and on the right one can hear
The murmur of the Water of Life and the Water of Death. 
Prâslea the Sturdy showed me the golden apples,
Ileana Cosânzeana presented me to the fairies of the forest,
Greuceanu showed me the Sun and the Moon, 
Baba Novac gave me heroism lessons,
Păcală taught me how to joke around,
The Old Man and Baba Dochia gave me wise advice. 
We’ve made a stop at Saint Wednesday
And Saint Sunday warned us of dangers. 
The Bogeyman tried to scare us,
The ghosts tried to possess us,
The ogres tried to attack us,
But the Zmeu kidnapped me. 
The heroes immediately went to look for me,
With their trusty friends they overcame the obstacles
And with bravery they defeat the giant and the Zmeu. 
At the feast we felt great,
Then we waltzed on fluffy clouds
And danced the Hora on the sweet-scented meadow. 
I had to return home
And with teary eyes I waved goodbye
To my enchanted friends. 
In the real world, I’ve shared 
My adventures in the Romanian Folklore
With Grandpa and those who wanted to hear my story. 

Copyright Georgiana L. Gheorghe
All Rights Reserved. 

Tell us about your latest project

My latest project is the second edition of the first book under the title of Cufărul Vieții (The Chest of Life”) to which I added a dash of mystery. It was published by the Liric Graph Publishing House in Făurei, in March 2021. 

Anyone that wants to purchase it could either send me an email on or contact me on the links below. 

What is your favourite cake?

There’s nothing like a dessert after a healthy meal. Medovik is one of my favourites because I love the taste of honey and sour cream mixed together. 

You can connect with Georgiana-Laura Gheorgh here:

Join me next week when I will be having a slice of cake with Mark Minson. 

If you would like to take part in A Slice of Cake With... please fill in the form found here. I'd be delighted to have you.

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Claire Buss is a multi-genre author and poet, completely addicted to cake. Find out more about her books on her website Join the discussion in her Facebook group Buss's Book Stop. Never miss out on future posts by following me.