Monday 24 August 2020

Downshifting Moods

Have you noticed that things seem a bit tough at the moment?

Some people struggled right at the beginning of lockdown, some began nosediving more towards the middle but a lot of us are having a hard time right now.

Being a creative - be it music, art, words or another medium - it's a tough cycle. There are ups and downs, periods of sublime inspiration and pits of utter despair. That's normal. As are those feelings of inadequacy, imposter syndrome as well as the total loss of self-belief. 

However, what we're experiencing now is a double-dip. All the usual plus an extra dollop of lockdown blues. 

Why is it happening now? I don't know. But it very definitely feels like a collective, almost herd-like response to our external environment. 

Creatives ride those waves of inspiration and I think what's happening at the moment is that instead of all of us feeding off each other in a positive feedback loop, no one is looping at all. 

I mentioned my wobble to an artist friend who agreed wholeheartedly. This was echoed by a writer friend who had also reached out to other writers. We are collectively wobbling. 

And that's okay. It's fine to not be 'on it' all the time, that's just life. And let's be honest, 2020 has been a whopper of a year.

So what is it I'm actually trying to say here? 

Be kind to yourself, take a break, have a slice of cake, enjoy something. You can't be on it all the time, no one can. But you can look after yourself. 

Claire Buss is a multi-genre author and poet, completely addicted to cake. Find out more about her books on her website Join the discussion in her Facebook group Buss's Book Stop.

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