Tuesday 7 July 2020

Tuesday Poem - Just A Minute

Mum, can I have a snack?
Just a minute, please
Mum, can I have a drink?
Just a minute, please
Mum, she hit me
Mum, he took my toy
Just a minute, please

Can you upload that file?
Just a minute, please
Can you create all those posts?
Just a minute, please
Can you proofread everything?
And then attend a 2-hour meeting.
Just a minute, please

Did you write today?
Did you read today?
Did you workout today?
Did you eat right today?
Did you get enough sleep?
Have you done all your work?
Just a minute, please

Is dinner ready?
Why aren't you smiling?
Did you wash my shirts?
Is there any milk?
What show do you want to watch?
Shall we go out tomorrow?
Just a minute, please

Let me breathe
Let me take stock
Let me remember what day it is
Let me be by myself
Let me sleep
Let me not have to answer all your questions
Let me have time to write a list


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