Monday 24 February 2020

Saving Up For Audio

Audiobooks are big business. They're growing in popularity, they're portable, they're great for commuters, parents, avid readers and yes, they do count on your books read tally!

So, what is an indie-author to do when they need to get their books into audio format? Save lots of money! It costs about $500 to get a book narrated through Findaway Voices and the distribution is wide so the finished audiobooks are available everywhere.

I would love to get my Gaia books into audiobook format so for the foreseeable future I will be eating beans on toast. There are a couple of ways you can help me save up, and it doesn't involve making cakes for a bake sale (although I always encourage cake baking and eating.)

Get me a Ko-Fi
Now, it's not quite an actual coffee but it is an opportunity for people to support authors, artists and other creatives on a one-off basis by pledging £3 i.e. buying them a coffee. It's super easy to do, just visit the site and buy me a coffee -

Support me on Patreon
Patreon is a little different to Ko-fi, this is more of a ongoing support for creatives as you pay monthly patronage. The amount ranges from $1 per month upwards and each tier gets you different rewards.

Tier 1 - $1 a month, get an exclusive short story every month only shared to patrons
Tier 2 - $3 a month, get sneak peeks of upcoming novels, exclusive additional content plus monthly short story AND access to my Discord Channel just for patrons.
Tier 3 - $5 a month, everything from the previous tier plus your name in the acknowledgements of my next book

Visit my Patreon for more information -

Buy My Books!
The cold hard sell or the shameless plug lol. The more books I sell, the more royalties I make, simple maths. I'd like to think I have something for most readers:

The Gaia Collection - hopeful dystopian cli-fi trilogy
The Gaia Effect
The Gaia Project
The Gaia Solution

The Roshaven Books - humorous fantasy
The Rose Thief
The Interspecies Poker Tournament
Ye Olde Magick Shoppe

Short Stories & Flash Fiction
Tales from Suburbia
Tales from the Seaside
Flashing Here and There

Little Book of Verse
Little Book of Spring
Little Book of Summer
Spooky Little Book
Little Book of Winter
Little Book of Love

All my books are wide so you can buy them from your favourite book retailer - Amazon, Nook, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple Books, Google Play, Smashwords and Waterstones so go wild! Buy one for you and one for your friend!

Thank you so much for your support - I shall keep you posted on the audiobook savings campaign and let you know how it's going.

Claire Buss is a multi-genre author and poet, completely addicted to cake. Find all her books on Amazon. Join the discussion in her Facebook group Buss's Book Stop. 

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