Monday 25 January 2021

Not Such A Spring Chicken

I recently had two huge awakenings to the fact that I am no longer a spring chicken.

The first was last weekend when I decided to go for a 3-mile jog after not having run at all for over a year. I refer you back to my blog post, I May Never Run Again, to let you know how that went. 

The second event was last Friday. My little girl came in at 2am to tell me she wasn't tired anymore and then proceeded to throw up. So, like a well-oiled machine (second child), hubster and I cleaned up and administered first aid. She was burning hot so we stripped her off and made a nest (duvet and pillows) in the front room with the window open. Medicine administered and water given, my little girl and I proceeded to watch Ben & Holly's Magic Kingdom for the next couple of hours. She fell asleep at 4.30, I stayed awake - too nervous to sleep in case she was further poorly. 

Thankfully she wasn't sick again but remained feverish and sorry for herself for the rest of the day, and who can blame her. As it was a school day I had homeschool to get through, a work meeting plus my own writing work so I powered through. And kept on powering until bizarrely it was 10.30pm. 

Needless to say, I was tired. And also thoroughly delighted when I woke up at 9.45 the following day. Don't worry, hubby was off and very capably looking after our two little monsters. (He's been well trained.)

I figured with all that sleep I would be a powerful machine through Saturday. Alas, I soon hit a wall and my eyes were gritty and sore. What was this? Tired already? 

An early night was soon on the cards as I thought this would surely sort me out. Up early on Sunday though - kids, you know the drill - and a day of doing. That's when I realised the work I tried to do on Saturday hadn't exactly gone to plan - thank god I save various versions of my work otherwise my work-in-progress would have gone backwards instead of forwards. 

Trying to sort that plus entertain two smalls plus jobs and by 2pm I was absolutely wiped. I can't do this no sleep malarky anymore. I must hang up my spring chicken credentials. I do turn 40 this year after all. 

Claire Buss is a multi-genre author and poet, completely addicted to cake. Find out more about her books on her website Join the discussion in her Facebook group Buss's Book Stop.

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