Monday 18 April 2022

Back In The Chair...

Today marks the end of the Easter school holidays and with it, the end of my writing break. I said I would get back to writing after the holidays and once I felt like my creative well had refilled. 

At the beginning of my break, I honestly didn't know if I would ever feel like writing again. I had stalled with my current book and had zero oomph. 

Initially, after only a few days, some new ideas started swirling through my head. This was encouraging but it soon went quiet and I needed to switch off, do nothing and just exist. So I did. And let me tell you, it was great.

Everyone's plate is different. Everyone is able to handle different things, differently. What's easy for one, is hard for another. The thing is, it's okay to complain about your plate - it's okay to need a smaller one or heck, even a bowl instead. I like a bowl. 

Anyhoo, here we are mid April, and I just printed out what I have so far of my next book. It's not much, but it's a start. 

During my break I also found the energy and time to do some training and get a fresh pair of eyes on what I have so far. I have an uncomfortably long list of things I need to do. So uncomfortable in fact that every time I think about what I need to do, I start to panic and spiral. Baby steps. 

So yeah, tentatively, back in the chair, in front of the laptop, ready to rock.

Claire Buss is a multi-genre author and poet, completely addicted to cake. Find out more about her books on her website Join the discussion in her Facebook group Buss's Book Stop. Never miss out on future posts by following me

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