This week I am delighted to be having a slice of cake with fellow indie author Lyra Shanti.

Author of the award-winning science fantasy series, Shiva XIV, Lyra is a dreamer of worlds far away. More books include The Artist, a wild tale of love, madness, and redemption, as well as The Rainbow Serpent, a re-imagining of Adam and Eve.
What kind of books do you write?
My books are passionate, poetic, socially relevant, diverse, spiritual, and unique.
For example, my epic series, Shiva XIV, is the story of Ayn, an intersex boy who grows up sheltered by priests on the planet Deius. The priests believe he is their prophesied messiah who will save them from disease and war, but on Ayn’s 14th birthday, everything goes wrong. Ayn soon finds himself on a surprising journey of self-discovery and survival. There are 4 books in the series, and I'm rather proud of them all.
I also write more eclectic books, such as my re-imagined Adam and Eve story, The Rainbow Serpent... and The Artist, a romantic, poetic tale about a man trying to conquer madness in his search for true love.
Can you describe your writing why?
I write because I'd probably go insane if I didn't. It's my therapy where I can release all my pain, passion, joy, and fear. Without writing it all out, I'd burst into a thousand pieces.
Share with us your favourite passage from the book you enjoyed writing the most.
From The River of Time (Shiva XIV, book 4):
“I see the truth now,” said Ayn. “I think I always knew it, even when I was a child. I never thought it was possible to fix The Un, for it was never broken. It was only our perception of the universe that was skewed. It was never a paradox or something chaotic without meaning, for its duality is the essence of our own balance. Without duality, there is no push and pull – no dark and light. And like my own body, which ultimately gave me a deeper understanding of my soul, the tests and trials of duality brings the universe closer to its own depth, which helps it grow and learn, providing the balance it seeks. The truth is, to exist in the universe we live in, we must flow along with the raging river of time, not fight against it.”
Tell us about your latest project
My latest book is The Artist, a sensual tale about a man named Apollo Antonius Vidali. The story follows Apollo from childhood onward as he fights the abusive pressure of his father to become an artist of how own making. He meets various friends and lovers on the way to success, only to discover his own madness holding him back from true happiness. The Artist was a unique writing experience for me with moments of spontaneous poetry interwoven throughout this sordid tale of morality and love. Rather different from other historical romances, I doubt there is another book quite like it anywhere.
What is your favourite cake?
I love most cake. Cake is the food of gods. But if I had to choose, chocolate always wins out. However, coconut is a close second. In fact, my birthday is coming up soon on September 14th (look for book 1 of Shiva XIV to be specially priced at .99 in celebration!) and I plan to have coconut cake and chocolate ice cream. Yum!
Thanks, Lyra! I've never had coconut cake before so I'm going to try Nigella Lawson's Coconut Cake recipe in How to be a Domestic Goddess cookbook. I encourage everyone to find something suitably coconutty to try! And a Happy Birthday for the 14th!
Visit her website
Join me next week when I will be having a slice of cake with indie author Benjamin Hope, grilling them gently about their writing life and of course sharing their favourite cake.
If you would like to take part in A Slice of Cake With... please fill in the form found here. I'd be delighted to have you.
Claire Buss is a multi-genre writer and poet, completely addicted to cake. Find all her books on Amazon. Join the discussion in her Facebook group Buss's Book Stop.
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