Tuesday 22 January 2019

Tuesday poem - Words, Words, Words

Why do we like words so much?
It's something we can't even touch
But we love to use them every day
In every unique and different way

So many ways to say hello and goodbye
Ask hundreds of questions, find out why
Chat to parents, speak to your mates
Keep on talking till it gets late

Use social media to spread them afar
Don't need to keep any in a jar
Just when you think you're going to run out
You'll find some new ones with plenty of clout

Let them tumble around in your head
Think about them while lying in bed
Try a few out, tap a few keys
Use them whenever you please

Your words are yours, they're just for you
Recycle old ones, create something new
A word here, a few more there
Words, words, words - everywhere!

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