Friday 4 January 2019

Flash Fiction - New Year Resolutions

Sandra took a big draught on her cigarette, easing the smoke out of her mouth slowly as she regarded the queue of people waiting to go into the community centre.

'What do you reckon then? Fat club?' asked Peggy who was leaning on the wall opposite contemplating whether she had time for a third fag.

Sandra shrugged and ground hers out on the floor, watching as her friend lit up. 'Thought you was cutting down?'

'I am. For New Years. Only smoking at work and when I'm down the club. All me smoking at home is outside now so it don't count.'

'Right. How many you down to then?' Sandra asked as she rummaged through her bag for some gum.

'Well, it's not about how many I'm smoking. It's about the hours that I'm smoking them and that's gone down by at least a quarter. Resolution made mate.' Peggy flicked her ash on the floor.

'Do you think people ever keep them?' Sandra was watching the community hall. The doors were being unlocked and the queue of people was getting ready to enter.



'I dunno really. When's the last time you kept one?' Peggy nudged her friend laughing. 'I said I wasn't going to put up with Derek's nonsense anymore five years ago and here I am, about to start a new year with it all over again.'

'Yeah but that's big stuff that, ain't it? You can't just say on January 1st I'm not putting up with his shit anymore. It's more complex than that.'

Peggy sighed and ground her cigarette on the floor. 'You coming?'

'Nah, I'm on break for another half an hour. Might go get a paper or summink. See you in there.'

'Alright, get me a Mars, yeah?'

Sandra nodded and waited until Peggy was back inside before she furtively made her way over to the community centre doors. She slid inside and stood self-consciously at the back of the room watching the gaggle of overweight women greet each other enthusiastically and stand in line chatting animatedly. Squaring her shoulders, Sandra walked over to where a sign said New Year - New You!

'I'd like to join, please.'

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