Sunday 13 January 2019

10 Things I Want To Do In 2019

1. Decorate

We moved into our flat September 2017 and so far we've managed to sort out the bathroom (the door still needs finishing). Now, a distinct lack of funds and a poor grasp of DIY might be two of our greatest stumbling blocks but this year is our year! I cannot continue with an orange ceiling in my hallway. Yes, you read that correctly and no it's not pale. The extensive hand painting of trees, fairies and a rather large peacock in the kids' room needs to go. It was lovingly painted about fifteen years ago but now it needs rollering.

So, the plan is patch up the cracks, magnolia the walls and buy new curtains. We can totally do that in eleven months. 

2. Roller Skate
I have my grade one and two roller skating qualifications and I'm talking quads here, not inlines. I used to work as a skater at a supermarket and I loved it. Last year, hubby bought me some skates which was amazing. Somehow I haven't had a single moment to put them on and try them, apart from on the day of my birthday when I looked like Bambi on ice and I was scared. I couldn't skate anymore! 

I will get out there on the promenade and I will go from scaredy-cat to mostly looking like I know what I'm doing.

3. Read my 112 indie author books
Somehow I have managed to amass a rather fine collection of indie author books. I'm so excited at all the different stories and the beautiful book covers but a little daunted at the number of stories that have piled up. This year I set myself a reading goal of 100 books so even if I don't read any of the books from the three book clubs I belong to (ahem) I've got a very healthy selection to choose from. It's only two books a week. More or less. Totally doable.

4. Bake more cakes
This needs no explanation.

5. Buy some shoes
I own two pairs of trainers. That is the sum total of all my footwear. No boots, no heels, no sandals. Definitely no flip-flops. I do have two weddings to attend this year plus a hen night I am very much looking forward to so footwear of some kind or other is required. This means I have to do several things I don't enjoy - go shopping, spend money on myself and be a girl.

6. Have a date night
This goes with the shoes. I think. I'm a bit rusty. 

7. Write more
I spend a lot of time berating myself for not doing as much writing as I think I should. If I have a spare hour, nine times out of ten I'll do something other than writing and then feel guilty for the rest of the day because I didn't do any writing. I've tried establishing set times but with two small children that is difficult to stick to. I tried to be flexible but that fed into the whole I should be writing guilt cycle so now I'm mostly floundering. 

It's annoying because I know what I want to write and the book I want to work on is mostly formed. And that elusive perfect writing moment will not suddenly appear around the corner. There is tea though. And cake.

8. Be more decisive
Maybe this should've been the first thing in the list??

9. Play
I was listening to a podcast about the importance of play. Tragically I have forgotten the name of the podcast and the speaker BUT the core concept of his topic has stayed with me.

When was the last time you laughed for the pure joy of it? Had a board games night? Did something just for fun? Sometimes I wonder if I've forgotten how to laugh. 

10. Sell books
I am a writer. I adore writing books. I want you to read mine and enjoy them. 

Claire Buss is a multi-genre author and poet, completely addicted to cake. Find all her books on Amazon. Join the discussion in her Facebook group Buss's Book Stop